
Much as I love animals, I must admit that I’ve only ever really dabbled in wildlife photography. Wondrous as the world is, I’ve caught enough nature documentaries to know that something unsavoury is likely to happen if you watch for too long!

Still, it can be a magical experience to pick up a long lens (usually two-handed, as they’re pretty damn heavy!), to hide out behind a strategically-placed rock or shrub, and to see what unfolds (or sometimes, who blinks first!)… :-0

Ailsa Craig Seals
(Sept 2020)

Ailsa Craig Seals
(Sept 2021)

Wildlife ‘Reserves’

I’ll conclude this Wildlife section with some ‘reserves’… not exactly ‘Wildlife reserves’ in the safari sense, but a lucky dip of all creatures great and small to have brightened things up along the way.

Admittedly, some of them are a little less wild than others. I do sometimes wonder whether they all deserve to be classified as Wildlife… but then, Tamelife photography isn’t really a thing! ;-)



